Dunno why but just in the mood for massive blogging.
Teehee anyway I just discovered I forgot to brush my teeth this morning.
Gross right?
I actually forgot. Well, I did remember to bathe though but I somehow missed out on the cleaning of my set of dentures.
Don't think anyone found out anyway, not Mum who's got a very sharp nose.
And my poor molars are suffering. I have CAVITIES.
Come to think of it, it's been eons since I last visited a dentist.
Maybe 2-3 years?
And with regards to the amount of chocolate I've been stuffing myself with to tide over this bad exam season, it's no wonder the molars are degenerating.
Do they provide dental consultation at NUS? Hehe, if have it's much cheaper...
I think I've grown fat and I have an acne breakout.
Exams really turn me into a haggard panda.
Yeah my eye bags are so humongous you can't miss it even 100 metres away.
And sitting down the whole day on my filthy old chair probably has translated all the fats to that area.
- my big butt
- my big boobs
- my thick hips
- my fat limbs
Shouldn't be bitching at this time.
Gotta resume my studying.