2 more to go...
Can't believe I actually suffered from a breakdown.
I promised myself last year that I would never want to feel that way again but yet it happened.
But it's funny how I feel nonchalent during and after the exam compared to before the exam.
The real mental stress always gets to me before the paper and that usually affects me quite a bit.
It's really traumatic when you have an exam less than 4 hours away and you don't understand half of what's written in the lecture notes.
And those studying in NUS, never in your life should you even think of taking MA1505C module.
Trust me on that.
Really tired. Didn't sleep yesterday and was like a walking corpse in school.
You should have heard the gibberish I was talking about.
Should be starting on my stats but am so tired I can't think properly.
And on a happy note, Jay's in Singapore already! *gleams*
I can't believe he's probably just a few kilometres away from me... I can almost feel his presence.
JAY! He appeared on the evening news today.
And he's forever wearing his fave colour PINK.
I'm gonna bring pink lightsticks to his concert in support for him. :)
48 hours more to Jay concert.
Which also means my freedom.