It's been a long while.
A bit on my dreadful school life.
The weeks are getting more and more hectic with lesser and lesser sleep for me.
It's not like extremely busy but with all that accumulated work stress brought over from the past weeks, my body and mind can't hold up for very long.
The side effects:
+ Very much increased and saggy eye bags.
+ A darker shade of the ring under the eye.
+ A very stiff neck.
+ Whole body ache.
+ The feeling of being tired forever.
+ Attention span reduced to 1 second.
Sighs. Everytime I blog, I complain.
I have nothing funny or interesting to share about my life.
This is gonna be a slightly long entry since I'll be busier and wouldn't be online very much as the exams draw closer.
Just finished reading Robyn Sisman's "Just Friends"!
So glad cos I lost touch with the feeling of reading a novel for a long time!
And I love such novels, those romantic comedy type.
Guy and gal have a friendship for more than 10 years.
Gal just dumped, seeks shelter in guy's apartment for 2 weeks.
Guy accompanies her to her stepsister's wedding, pretending to be her lover.
After that it isn't a pretence anymore, but they're supposed to be just friends...
Tee hee, I just love such books.
I don't have to engage too much in it but the plot keeps me hooked.
Those who loved Jane Green are encouraged to pick this up.
Met up with Chin and Jane today.
I haven't seen them for a whole week, despite the fact we're in the same campus!
I really miss everyone. 208, KC friends, JC mates.
Everyone is so busy now we don't even know what is going on in their lives anymore.
Do people stray away from friendships after a long period of solitude?
Do friendships diminish after a long period of non-contact?
Maybe this is just one of the testing periods.
And I read about this issue a while back in Jay Forum.
(They don't just discuss about Jay stuff in the forum, some of them are so witty they kinda scare me)
Cos most of the chinese there live in the US or Europe, so they made this sterotype that Asians tend to be smarter than Caucasians, in terms of exams.
Hmmm that is so not true.
We're probably better in terms of maths and I would say really especially maths.
Those who took the SAT I would know that some of the qns in there are much easier than those we usually study. And also most of the chinese living overseas do clarify that the level of math there is lower than in Asia.
I'd say probably the culture is different and we place emphasis on different things. So how to explain that their language is probably much stronger than ours?
Our emphasis in the math and science is because of the future job prospects.
Asians are more money-motivated, whereas caucasians are more ambitious.
They tend to pursue their dreams, especially those fresh out of an academy.
Some fail and give up for a stable job, some keep trying.
I really envy them in this aspect, because I hate restrictions but I can't help but be restricted by all the expectations and social pressures.
Besides, doing well in school is not everything.
I know I self-contradict myself subconsciously because back in my mind, I think results are everything.
Or why the hell do I study and try my darnest best to enter university and choose a course I'm not totally passionate about?
Everyone has a talent.
I think sticking to your hopes and dreams are very important.
And very good nourishment for your soul.
Even if you fail, and can't try anymore, at least you tried.
I hate the feeling of regret when you didn't even have any chance to try it out.
Seems I'll have to relieve the feeling of regret again and again for a very long time.
I just hope it isn't gonna be forever...