I can never anticipate that my next post would be announcing the END of the Mid Term Break.
Why do leisure time always zoom by?
I don't feel even the slightest bit of being rejuvenized by these 6 days of break.
Hmmm actually honestly speaking, there wasn't much of a break anyway.
Saturday - BizCom Bash.
Monday - Sirius BBQ.
Thursday - Blading with Ser and Chin.
And the days in between, I was either sleeping like a pig, being a super duper couch potato or just plain slacking around the house.
All that about the week's resolution is all *poof*.
-Blade like crazy
(erm i did, but not on the crazy level)
-Drink lotsa Earl Grey and chill out
(I didn't even drink a single sip!)
-Read some novels
(erm 100 pages of Harry Potter 5?)
-Catch up with school work
(NONE AT ALL! *horrified*)
-Tidy my room
(It's still a mess now)
-Spend some time with my family
(ok i fulfiled roughly 80%)
-Spend some time with my friends
(not really. didn't have the time)
Seems like next time if I ever wanna set resolutions again, I should be more realistic and hardworking.
Can't believe school has started!!!
Why on earth do they start school on a Friday? Why even deprive us of a treasured one day's worth of rest when they have nothing to lose?
They're just a buncha cheater bugs.
And I'm gonna get back the much dreaded Chemistry Test results tomorrow!
Plus a personal consultation with the Professor. Yikes.
Everything's gonna suck now that school has started.
And I can't believe we will be ending Semester 1 in about less than 2 months' time.
The workload is humongous, compared to JC. 5 full modules to ace in about 3 months!
And the cycle continues 6 times till you get your degree.
Who was the idiot that said University life is better than JC?
Well, the only consolation for me is that after Semester 1, I can happily bid farewell to my most dreaded subject ever - CHEMISTRY. *whoops in delight*
I hope to be a freshman forever.
Freshmen are not penalised if we make mistakes.
Freshmen have the right to be ignorant.
Why must we grow up?