Tis is raining outside now.
Is it the heavens crying for the dashed hopes of my team?
Admit that I'm harsh yesterday.
But being outnumbered by tons of Greek fans in China Jump while your team lost didn't feel nice one single bit.
I never explained why I hate the Greece team.
Now I tell you.
First, their playing style is utterly boring.
Defensive style that nullifies opponent's attacks and slows the tempo of the game.
Second, their coach is disgusting.
He got listed down right away on my list of people I hate the first time I set my eyes on him. Can't be helped.
Third, they always have to boot out my fave teams.
They indirectly eliminated Spain, then France, Czech and now Portugal.
How can you expect me to like them?
I was in tears after the game yesterday.
And more when I read the comments from Portugal's 'Golden Boys'.
It was their last shot, their last chance. WHY???
Life is so unfair.
I still can't accept it. I'm a sore loser.