Everyone's out today.
chin/szeman with work, and spiderman 2 later.
I wanna watch spiderman too!!! *sulks*
jane off to sentosa, enjoying the delights of the beach.
Why am I always stuck at home?
Why am I still stuck with that disgusting flu virus?
*pouts mouth*
Seriously, I sometimes wonder if I'll cultivate a habit of talking to myself.
Don't you agree with me that blogging is somewhat like talking to yourself?
At least that's how it is to me.
I already talk to myself in the bath.
Blogging makes it worse.
And the funniest thing is that those people who read this blog are those I hang out with almost 24/7.
So whatever happens to them, occurs to me too.
We're just regurgitating the same events and happily reading each other's account.
Haha I think we're weird. Birds of the same feather flock together.
I can almost predict that there'll be more than 2 entries today.
Be prepared.