-Land of the Morning Calm-
In another 8 hrs time, I'll be flying off to Korea.
To the Land of the Morning Calm.
I don't know why but I just don't seem to be looking forward much to the trip now.
Maybe because I have things I wanna do here in Singapore.
And recently with the many things that has happened, the fire, the naruto obssession, the uni application problem, the money problem and the endless arguments of my parents, my heart doesn't seem to have settled down enough in preparation for the trip.
I just hope everything will turn out fine.
So a temporarily farewell to all my friends.
Yeah I know you guys have requested me to buy this and that. But don't say I didn't warn you, there are no promises. Since you guys didn't give me any money beforehand to buy, and I only have a pathetic 200SG dollars to spend. So don't have your hopes too high.
I actually wanted to bring kakashi's picture with me.
And what a bummer, my printer's out of black ink.
Take care when I'm away.
I'll be back. 8 days later.