Just watched Troy.
I wasn't that particularly excited after watching the film.
I dunno why. It somehow didn't capture me.
But I'm definitely interested in finding out more about Homer's "The Iliad".
I'm always those who enjoy the book more than the movie. Bah.
And I bought a new book on Egypt. Yay.
Cos Carrie's friend works there so got it on 30% staff discount.
It's so worth it for 28 bucks. :) *psst psst, jane*
But the bummer was that my toe nail cracked.
And it's not just an ordinary crack. The whole nail is almost coming off!
Darn... it's so painful.
I got so paranoid the whole day, thinking everyone's gonna step on my little toe.
How am I gonna go for dance class? And swimming?
Oh double darn. Really should go get the Sally Hansen's strengthener soon.
And I'll definitely be bandaging up my whole toe. So freaking retarded.