-Anime Frenzy Week-
A little update.
These 2 weeks are, what I would call,
the "Anime Frenzy Week".
And you would have guessed it, I've been watching anime almost 24/7. Or you could say I live to watch anime.
Here's an example:
12pm: Rise and shine. (I know I'm an ultra lazy bum^^)
2pm: Switch on PC and start Naruto Download.
7pm: eat dinner
11pm: surf for Naruto sites, chat on MSN, re-watch Hana Yori Dango
4am: Stop Download. Watch downloaded episodes.
5am: Sleep
12pm: Watch Naruto.
Blah blah...
Yeah that's a rough idea. Boring ah?
Cos Naruto is such an awesome Anime!!
Everyone should watch it now!!
And I can therefore declare,
I, Ang Wei Ying Joyce, holder of NRIC no S85xxxxxx,
is now a NARUTO FREAK!
*scheming on how to promote my Narutoism to everyone else*
Never say I didn't warn you, I already have the first victim Chin Swee, who's been plagued with my never-ending requests to watch Naruto on MSN. And another potential one is Jane, who also has a bro that loves Naruto.
*evil grins*
You want the easy way or the hard way?
You decide.
*evil menacing laughter*