to anyone who still reads my blog,
this MAY become my new blog.
if i still like it here better, i'll come back.

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007
to anyone who still reads my blog, this MAY become my new blog. if i still like it here better, i'll come back. ![]() ![]()
Friday, August 10, 2007
is there a thing called true happiness? this question came up after that night. i'd always thought that crying out aloud would make one feel better. yet for me, all that crying left me with a heavy heart - the realisation that my problems actually hurt so badly. i'm never adept at baring my heart out. not even to people i'm close to. it'll probably take a while to heal but i'm really happy to find out that i have friends. friends that care and provide a listening ear. and that i'm not alone :) ![]() ![]()
Monday, July 30, 2007
blogging shouldn't become a responsibility. why do we have to resort to reading each other's blogs in order to know how the other party is getting on? not like we're living miles apart that distance becomes a factor. that just shows that we're not spending enough time together. *shrugs* which makes me miss those happier times incredibly even when they were just 1-2 months ago. most memorable would be the girls' first-ever nature outing to (no prizes for guessing) ubin! we've really been too urban dwelling; it's time to go explore the wonderful living treasures of singapore while it lasts. ![]() sleepy smiles all around. sorry girls, it must have been hard to get out of bed that early. but it's all worth it right (especially for those on their virgin ubin trip!)? ![]() yes i was an immensely lousy guide. so much for having worked in ubin for 3 weeks... sorry girls for getting us lost like 70% of the time. ![]() i could swear that it's waving hi to us, lol. was so excited seeing a (not exactly wild) wild boar for the first time. ![]() i'm never ever gonna trust bari again! bah, we went by the longest route ever to chek jawa and that's not all. after that seemingly neverending route which left us all dying, there was this treacherous plank to top it off. luckily our already feeble legs carried us all safely across. ![]() the crabby patty in question is none other than our becks! poor girl was so visibly tired and dehydrated that her face was flushed like a crab, apple, strawberry... you get the picture. we made pit stops as much as we could. ![]() the marvellous scenic view atop jejawi tower. we all made it to the top despite the scorching sun and our worn out bodies. ![]() i love this shot. the only remaining survivors (including jun the photographer) at the end of the day. ![]() cheeky royston took the same bus as us on the way to simpang bedok and he kept us entertained throughout the journey with his antics and hilarious comments. thanks girls for agreeing to comply with my pleas to visit ubin. i know some of you didn't really enjoy it for whatever reason but hope that our next nature outing can be better. ![]() ![]()
Thursday, July 12, 2007
boo!!! ok i gotta scare some life into my blog. *ashamed* sorry i'm forever saying i'll update but the posts just don't materialise. i'm not online as frequent as i'd like to. these days i either stone or fall asleep the moment i reach home. it's not like work at ubin's been incredibly stressful (in fact it's the exact opposite after CJ launch), i just tune out. there's so much to update... the australia grad trip, the internship at ubin, my commencement and the various outings. i guess i'm really too much of a perfectionist. my posts would preferentially be full of nice edited pictures and vivid descriptions etc, of which takes up way too much time and thus i'm often too overwhelmed. in the end, i just give up updating. jane told me before that i can just update whatever i want; it doesn't have to be visually aesthetic or whatever. i totally agree but i just cannot go past myself. bah. anyway i'll conveniently stick on some pictures to complete my idea of a 'perfect' post. finally chek jawa is launched on 7th july 2007! TADA, minister mah draws the curtain along with NParks CEO. and this is some of us after the entire event. pictures from peihao ok i've run out of things to say. will be back soon. *crosses fingers* ![]() ![]()
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
i'm alive ya, despite not updating for centuries. gosh right now i'm so utterly bored. ok not that i don't have any work at hand (actually a lot) but i miss ubin a lot. right now i'm back in nus raffles museum to collate some specimens. and i felt the difference in working environment instantaneously. over at ubin, there's always people around. funny rangers like ah hock, nonsense supervisor, the very nice adelle, the two guys who's always out on some adventure while i'm stuck in the office *cries* and these two naughty cuties who calls me "green colour jie jie". lol. royston and joanne see, so cute right? they're the one of the last few villager kids remaining on the island. and they love going back to ubin too (: sighs. hope this stint can end real soon. ![]() ![]()
Sunday, May 27, 2007
an oz blog entry, finally! thanks to all the lovelies who came send us off :) well i'm sneaking in a few minutes for some internet access. not without a price though - 80 minutes for 5 freaking dollars. bah. just arrived in melbourne hours ago. time now here is 11:17. it's the final part of my trip and having mixed feelings now. on one hand i kinda miss home, on the other i like backpacking. anyhow i'll officially be back on sunny island on 30th may night. i really miss the family, friends, food and the sun! (brrr sydney and melbourne's soooo cold lah!) ok will update and provide pics when i get back. cheerios for now. ![]() ![]()
Thursday, May 10, 2007
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essentials "ankh" 259 month old virgo 1 22 N, 103 48 E Contact: ![]()
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